The book opens with an engaging history of the subject, mapping the major landmarks and outlining the main issues of current debate. The rest of the book falls into three parts:
Part 1: Approaches. Descriptions of the main approaches developed by scholars to study the subject, with lively case histories and working examples showing the approaches in action, and assessing their lasting value.
Part 2: Concepts and Issues. Brief introductions to their origins and evolution, highlighting their significance in the work of major thinkers.
Part 3 Key Terms. Concise explanations of all the words and phrases that readers need to know in order to fully grasp the subject.
Preface ix
Abbreviations x
Chronology xi
Introduction: Landmarks in philosophy of religion 1
1 The ancient world 1
2 From the medieval to the early modern era 13
3 From Hegel to the present day 22
Part 1: Approaches 29
1 Analytic philosophy 31
2 Continental philosophy 41
3 Empiricism and rationalism 57
4 Existentialism 62
5 Feminist philosophy 69
6 Personalism 74
7 Phenomenology 78
8 Pragmatism 84
Part 2: Concepts and issues 89
Animals 91
Cosmological argument 94
Design argument 97
Divine action 100
Evolution 102
Faith 104
Free will 108
Gender 111
God, attributes of 115
God, existence of 119
Good and evil 124
Humanity 129
Life after death 135
Miracles 139
Morality 143
Ontological argument 148
Religious experience 150
Religious knowledge 153
Religious language 156
Revelation 162
Part 3: Key terms 167
Aesthetics 169
Agnosticism 169
Alienation 169
Aristotelianism 169
Aseity 170
Atheism 170
Causality 171
Contingency 171
Creationism 171
Critical realism 172
Deconstruction 172
Deism 172
Determinism 172
Dialectic 173
Dualism 173
Enlightenment, the 174
Epistemology 174
Essence 174
Eternity 174
Ethics 175
Evolution 175
Existence 176
Fideism 176
Foundationalism 176
Hermeneutics 176
Humanism 177
Idealism 177
Immutability 177
Impassability 178
Linguistic analysis 178
Logic 178
Materialism 179
Metaphor 179
Metaphysics 179
Mind 180
Modernism 180
Monism 180
Monotheism 181
Mysticism 181
Myth 181
Naturalism 182
Natural theology 182
Necessity 182
Neoplatonism 183
Nihilism 183
Nominalism 183
Omnipotence 184
Omnipresence 184
Omniscience 184
Ontology 185
Panentheism 185
Pantheism 185
Perfection 186
Perspectivalism 186
Platonism 187
Pluralism 187
Positivism 187
Postmodernism 188
Process thought 188
Reductionism 188
Realism 189
Relativism 189
Scepticism 189
Scholasticism 190
Scientism 190
Self 190
Semiotics 191
Simplicity 191
Solipsism 191
Soul 191
Spirit 192
Substance 192
Teleology 193
Theism 193
Theodicy 193
Theology 194
Transcendence 194
Truth 194
Underdetermination 195
Utopia 195
Select bibliography 196
Index of authors 211
Index of subjects 217
Об авторе
Anthony C. Thiselton is Emeritus Professor of Christian Theology at the University of Nottingham. He has taught at the Universities of Sheffield, Bristol and Durham and is known internationally for his work on the theory of biblical interpretation.