Considering the actual environment in society, would you, the middle and working class, say that you are better off today than, let’s say, a few years back? What has changed? This is the issue analyzed in this book. Our present state of affairs started long time ago, and it was put in motion, not by you, but by the United Nations, supported by the world’s elite. It’s called the 2030 Agenda, wholeheartedly endorsed by the World Economic Forum, also called the Davos Forum, composed of the world’s top politicians, financiers, and big pharma companies, and even with the blessing of the Catholic Pope and China’s leader Xi Jinping. What was needed to achieve total domination of the world was a state of universal fear, as Machiavelli states in The Prince. That they did: first with a manufactured pandemic (coronavirus), predicted with total accuracy just before it happened. A coincidence, or a premeditated criminal act? Then a questionable election in the United States which brought socialism to our nation, a necessary first step to communism and a totalitarian government.
This is the present situation. So ask yourself again: Are you better off today than a few years ago? What has happened? Please read the book.
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The author has taught at several prestigious universities in the United States and abroad. His books and articles fall in the realm of academic thought and medieval, renaissance, and romance comparative literatures. He is retired and traveling (before the Chinese virus) between Europe and the United States.
His most recent essay, the one you hold in your hands, is a last analysis of the present world situation, and it is written in the hope that someone may take it seriously and realize what the present juncture means to our society and where it is leading us.