автор: Aoyagi Hiroshi

Aoyagi Hiroshi is Professor in the School of Asia 21 at Kokushikan University in Tokyo. He is the author of Islands of Eight Million Smiles: Idol Performance and Symbolic Production in Contemporary Japan (Harvard University Asia Center, 2005). Patrick W. Galbraith is Associate Professor in the School of International Communication at Senshū University in Tokyo. He is the author and editor of many books on Japanese media and popular culture. Mateja Kovacic is Assistant Professor in the Animation and Media Arts program, Academy of Film, School of Communication, at Hong Kong Baptist University. She researches intersections between science, technology and popular culture.

1 Электронные книги Aoyagi Hiroshi

Aoyagi Hiroshi & Patrick W. Galbraith: Idology in Transcultural Perspective
This edited volume expands on what Aoyagi Hiroshi intended in the first decade of the new millennium to establish as a subfield of symbolic anthropology called “idology.” It brings together case stud …