Ihor Gussak, MD, Ph D, Charles Antzelevitch, Ph D, FACC, FAHA, FHRS, Arthur A.M. Wilde, MD, Ph D, Brian D. Powell, MD, Michael J. Ackerman, MD, Ph D and Win-Kuang Shen, MD
3 Электронные книги Arthur A. M. Wilde
Ihor Gussak & Charles Antzelevitch: Electrical Diseases of the Heart
Electrical Disease of the Heart, 2nd Edition, volume 1, provides a valuable insight to the latest developments in the field of cardiac electrophysiology and clinical electrocardiology. Each chapter i …
Ihor Gussak & Charles Antzelevitch: Electrical Diseases of the Heart
Electrical Disease of the Heart, 2nd Edition, volume 2, covers the diagnostic and treatment options available in the management of electrical diseases and with its companion volume provides the lates …
Perry Mark Elliott & Dhavendra Kumar: Genomic and Molecular Cardiovascular Medicine
The Genomic and Molecular Cardiovascular Medicine largely focuses on pertinent genomic and molecular aspects of cardiovascular medicine relevant to all levels of clinical practice, from primary care …