Mit der Industrie 4.0 wandeln sich die Anforderungen an Ingenieurinnen und Ingenieure: Neue Möglichkeiten durch Entwicklungen in der Künstlichen Intelligenz erfordern neben lebenslangem Lernen auch ein hohes Maß an Kreativität.
Die Autoren geben neue Impulse für die Gestaltung einer Industrie-4.0-orientierten Ingenieursausbildung, die Kompetenzen für die Arbeitswelt von morgen vermittelt. Aufbauend auf grundlegenden Informationen zur Industrie 4.0 werden u. a. Konzepte der Problemlösung, des Wissensmanagements, des lebenslangen Lernens und der Kreativitätsforschung vorgestellt und ihr Nutzen für eine zukunftsorientierte Ingenieursausbildung überprüft.
Der Band richtet sich unter anderem an Lehrende und Studierende, aber auch an Forschende sowie Praktiker:innen.
With Industry 4.0, the demands on engineers are changing: new opportunities arising from developments in artificial intelligence require not only lifelong learning but also a high degree of creativity.
The authors provide new impulses for the design of an Industry 4.0-oriented engineering education that promotes the growth of competencies for the working world of tomorrow. Building on basic information on Industry 4.0, concepts from areas such as problem solving, knowledge management, lifelong learning and creativity research are presented and their usefulness for future-oriented engineering education reviewed.
The volume is aimed not only at teachers and students, but also at researchers and practitioners.
CHAPTER 1 Engineering: The Open-Ended Profession
The Emerging Era of Industry 4.0
What is ‘Industry 4.0’?
Industry 4.0 in manufacturing and production
Industry 4.0 in the broader sense
Educational cyber-psychology
Engineers in the World of Industry 4.0
The capability-focused, technology-fluent mindset (CFTF)
Capability vs. skill
Technology fluency (TF) alone is not enough
University Teaching and Industry 4.0
The meta-competency ‘lifelong learning’
The meta-competency ‘creativity’
Dual-track teaching
The Organisation of this Book
CHAPTER 2 Problem Solving in the Industry-4.0 Era
Problem Solving in Engineering
Functional problem solving
The new situation
Change, Needs, and Solutions
Change as a driver
Genesis and impetus
Problem Solving
Problem solving and Industry 4.0
The Four Phases of Problem Solving
1. Recognising problems
2. Idea generation
3. Idea evaluation
4. Solution validation
General Models of Problem Solving
Other models of problem solving
The Extended Phase Model
CHAPTER 3 Knowledge and Industry-4.0 Capability
Knowledge in Engineering
Ethics as a new domain of engineering knowledge
Knowledge Management
Knowledge and LLL
Knowledge as the basis for knowledge acquisition
The knowledge base of problem solving
Knowledge in Industry 4.0
Knowledge is the source of ideas
Knowledge defines what a solution is
Knowledge guides solution finding
Converting knowledge into solutions
The Dark Side of Knowledge
The over-specialisation problem
Adaptive expertise
Adaptive Expertise and Knowledge Management
CHAPTER 4 Lifelong Learning and Industry-4.0 Capability
LLL and Industry-4.0 Capability
LLL and ideals of democracy, equality and inclusion
LLL as knowledge management
Managing knowledge for employability
What is LLL?
Life-wide learning
Proactive LLL
Is proactive LLL really possible?
Age differences
Blocks to LLL
The social paradox of LLL
The organisational paradox of LLL
Promoting the ‘Well-Made Head’
CHAPTER 5 Thinking and Industry-4.0 Capability
Creativity Research and Industry-4.0 Capability
Cyber-psychology and creativity research
Industry 4.0-Capable Thinking
Industry 4.0-capable thinking tactics
Industry 4.0-Capable Cognitive Styles
Lucky hits
The continuing contribution of convergent thinking
The Paradoxes of Industry 4.0-Capable Cognition
The cognitive paradoxes
Resolving the paradoxes — the phase approach
CHAPTER 6 The Prepared Mind for Industry 4.0
Beyond Knowledge and Skill
The prepared mind
Openness: The Key to Industry-4.0 Capability
Intrinsic motivation
Preference for complexity
Feelings, emotions, and moods
Promoting development of the prepared mind
The Prepared Mind as a ‘Style’
The paradoxical personality
The Prepared Mind as a System
Cause and effect
The social environment
Psychological Mechanisms in the Unprepared Society
The impact of stereotypes
CHAPTER 7 Developing Industry 4.0-Capable Learners
Psychological Aspects of Lifelong Learning
Knowledge and skills
Non-cognitive aspects of proactive LLL
The Lifelong Learner
Learning to Learn
Promoting LLL in Engineering Education
Learning differences between adults and children
Characteristics of a LLL Curriculum
Integration of curriculum
Horizontally and vertically integrated proactive LLL
CHAPTER 8 Developing Industry 4.0-Capable Thinkers
Novelty-Producing Thinking in Engineers
Industry 4.0-Capable Thinking
Can Industry 4.0-capable thinking be fostered?
What needs to be fostered?
Why is there a problem?
Promoting Industry 4.0-Capable Thinking
Overcoming blockers of Industry 4.0-capable thinking
Actively promoting Industry 4.0-capable thinking
Implementing an Industry 4.0-Oriented Curriculum
Kinds of knowledge
Assessing instructors’ behaviour
Assessing students’ behaviour
Concluding Remarks: The Art of Engineering
Hedy Lamarr and the Radio-Controlled Torpedo
How Creative was the Radio-Controlled Torpedo?
List of Figures
List of Tables