His voice was soft, yet strong. A hypnotic silence enveloped the room.
versus Axis powers. Capitalism versus communism. They were the conflicts of
the twentieth century. Today it is religion against religion.
Look around you: conflicts in Eastern Europe, Northern Ireland, the Middle East, and the Far East. Muslims versus Christians. Christians versus Catholics. Jews versus Muslims. Christians versus Jews. Hindus versus Muslims.
A dramatically different world awaits us. A world based on religious loyalty, not national patriotism. We saw a glimpse of it in 2001, in Afghanistan. Among Al Queada and the Taliban were American, British, and French citizens fighting for religion, against their own countries.
In the new world order, religious loyalty will best national patriotism. The nations of today will be nondescript parts of regional trade blocs tomorrow. With open borders, people will traverse the world at will, searching for economic betterment, tethered only to their
religions. Global power will shift from nations to religions.
His voice was a whisper now.
Prepare for a new superpower.
Comments from readers:
—riveting—a thought-provoking, sophisticated thriller.
—part expos, part history lesson—compelling.
—well-researched—superbly plotted—a stunning climax.
Об авторе
Arun Pereira, Ph.D. is Associate Professor at the John Cook School of Business, Saint Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri.