This volume is woven around the applications of different spectroscopic techniques in the quality analysis of food stuff. Wide range of food items including fruits, fruit juices and edible oils have been covered. Different molecular and atomic spectroscopy techniques including Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, near-infrared (NIR) and mid infrared (MIR) spectroscopy and Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) spectroscopy have been discussed in detail for such quality analysis applications. Bottom-up approach has been used in most of the chapters. Individual chapters have been written by experts from different disciplines/laboratories and hence interdisciplinary character has emerged in a natural way. Mathematical details have been kept at a level necessary minimum so as to suit a wider range of audience including novice researchers.
Key Features:
- Basic experimental arrangement illustrated wherever necessary
- Individual chapters highlight hand-held and portable spectrometers where applicable
- Applications of artificial intelligence included wherever adds to the efficiency of the particular technique
Editor biography
List of contributors
1 Determination of fruit quality: a spectroscopic approach
2 Irradiation-based spectroscopic methods for quality analysis of fruits
3 Authenticity assessment of natural and artificial compounds in fruit juices by using FTIR
4 Comparison between binary and multiclass partial least square with discriminant analysis: a case study on coffee classification based on near-infrared spectra
5 The employment of infrared spectroscopy for the quality assurance of coffee
6 The use of MIR and NIR spectroscopy and chemometrics for the authentication of fruit juice
7 Advances in the analysis of fruits by near-infrared spectroscopy
8 Combining compositional characteristics, smartphone image, and NIR spectroscopy in a data fusion approach to study relationships between traditional infusions
9 Near-infrared spectroscopy for fruit/fruit juice quality analysis: theory and application
10 The use of elemental analyzes based on atomic spectroscopy for quality assurance of fruit
11 Spectroscopic techniques employed for quality assessment of edible oils
12 Vibrational spectroscopy to determine food polyphenols
Об авторе
Ashutosh Kumar Shukla obtained his B.Sc., M.Sc. and D. Phil. degrees from the University of Allahabad. His doctoral research work involved using electron spin resonance spectroscopy and optical absorption spectroscopy to investigate transition ion-doped single crystals. He has been a university teacher and researcher for 20 years and is currently an Associate Professor of Physics at Ewing Christian College, Allahabad, a University of Allahabad institution. He also served as an Associate Professor (Pure and Applied Physics) at Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya, Bilaspur, C.G. (A Central University). He has published numerous research papers in peer-reviewed journals and has edited various books, mostly on applications of EPR spectroscopy. He has delivered several invited lectures on characterization techniques at national and international conferences and workshops. He reviews manuscripts for a number of international journals. He has received numerous scholarships and fellowships, including National Scholarship, Scholarship of Ministry of Higher Education, Government of U. P., Research Fellowship of the Council of Science & Tech., Lucknow, U.P., Research Fellowship of the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, New Delhi and the Indian National Science Academy-Bilateral Exchange Fellowship.