Farid Hafez ist habilitierter Politikwissenschaftler und Distinguished Visiting Professor of International Studies am Williams College sowie Senior Researcher bei
The Bridge Initiative an der Georgetown University.
4 Электронные книги Asmaa Soliman
Amina Yaqin & Peter Morey: Muslims, Trust and Multiculturalism
This book critically engages with the contemporary breakdown of trust between Muslim and non-Muslim communities in the West. It argues that a crisis of trust currently hampers intercultural rela …
Asmaa (UCL, UK) Soliman: European Muslims Transforming the Public Sphere
Anti-Muslim voices have become louder in many places in the midst of ongoing atrocities undertaken in the name of Islam. As a result, much of the creative participation of Western Muslims in the publ …
Asmaa (UCL, UK) Soliman: European Muslims Transforming the Public Sphere
Anti-Muslim voices have become louder in many places in the midst of ongoing atrocities undertaken in the name of Islam. As a result, much of the creative participation of Western Muslims in the publ …
Bülent Uçar & Wassilis Kassis: Antimuslimischer Rassismus und Islamfeindlichkeit
Vielen politischen Bewegungen und Agitatoren bietet der Rückgriff auf islam- bzw. muslimfeindliche Einstellungen einen Ausgangspunkt, um Aufmerksamkeit und Zustimmung zu generieren. Dies zeigt sich b …