Dr. B. A. Dabla (born 1954) is Professor and Founder Head, Department of Sociology , University of Kashmir , Srinagar , J&K. For some time in 2013-2014, he worked as Acting Vice Chancellor of the university. He started academi c career f rom Al i garh Musl i m University , Aligarh where he worked in Department of Sociology for about five years. Before that, he worked in J&K government as Assistant Director in Social Welfare Department and Press Officer to Chief Minister , C.M. » s Secretariat. Dr. Dabla is a prominent sociologist who has worked in the specialized areas of Women, Children and Society; Demographic T ransformation; Migration; Kashmir Studies; and Islam and Muslim society. He has published 22 books, 65 research papers, and hundred plus articles. He has carried out 25 national and international research projects. Dr. Dabl a i s known for hi s academi c contribution In the field of Sociology and is considered one of the most referred authors. Dr. Dabla has been awarded recently the National Fellowship by ICSSR, New Delhi
1 Электронные книги B.A. Dabla
Dr B. A. Dabla: Healthcare Gender and Conflict in Kashmir
This book is based on final report of I. C. M. R. project. It deals with most crucial problem in J&K, i.e. healthcare. Before 1989, the gender healthcare was not available fully , properly and satisf …