Barry Doran is a former elementary school teacher, mathematics specialist, assistant principal, Title I coordinator, and adjunct college professor. He holds a bachelor of science degree, a master of education degree, and an educational specialist degree in educational administration. He holds memberships in many professional organizations including the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and the Georgia Council of Supervisors of Mathematics. After 32 years of service with the DeKalb County School System, Mr. Doran remains active in mathematics education as a frequent presenter at local, regional, and national conferences.
4 Электронные книги Barry Doran
Doran & Graham: Multiplication Facts Tips and Tricks, Grades 3 — 4
Make math matter to students in grades 3-4 using Multiplication Facts Tips and Tricks! This 64-page book offers skip-counting activities, skill-building practice pages, pretest and posttest assessmen …
Barry Doran & Leland Graham: Jump Into Math, Grade 1
Looking for strategies to help struggling students with computation? Jump Into Math for grade 1 offers step-by-step instructions for teachers and meaningful practice for students. This 208-page book …
Barry Doran & Leland Graham: Jump Into Math, Grade 3
Looking for strategies to help struggling students with computation? Jump Into Math for grade 3 offers step-by-step instructions for teachers and meaningful practice for students. This 208-page book …
Barry Doran & Leland Graham: Jump Into Math, Grade 4
Looking for strategies to help struggling students with computation? Jump Into Math for grade 4 offers step-by-step instructions for teachers and meaningful practice for students. This 208-page book …