автор: Benjamin Etzold

Dr. Benjamin Etzold is a research associate and lecturer in the Department of Geography at the University of Bonn. He holds a Ph D in Geography and a Diploma degree in Geography, Sociology and Political Science. He conducted his Ph D research in Dhaka on street vendors, food security and contested urban governance within the programme «Megacites-Megachallenge: Informal Dynamics of Global Change», funded by the German Research Foundation. He was also part of the UNU-EHS/CARE-research project «Where the Rain falls», in which the relations between rainfall variability, food security and migration were investigated in northern Bangladesh. His broader research interests are nested in the fields of social geography, political geography, development studies, migration studies and urban studies. As a lecturer, he teaches courses in development geography, migration and globalization, social geography, and empirical research methods.

2 Электронные книги Benjamin Etzold

Benjamin Etzold: The Politics of Street Food
In Bangladesh, the sale of food in public space is often contested: Street food is needed, but not wanted. 100, 000 street vendors sell dishes, snacks, fruits, and beverages in the megacity of Dhaka. …
Jochen Oltmer & Marcel Berlinghoff: Report Globale Flucht 2025
Die forschungsbasierte Perspektive auf das Thema Flucht Flucht ist eine globale Herausforderung, über die oft nur verkürzt berichtet wird. Der »Report Globale Flucht« bietet ein Gegengewicht: Über 30 …