Editor Benoit Deveaud is director of the «Institute of Quantum Photonics and Electronics» at the EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland. The institute focuses on a wide range of research topis ranging from quantum description of light and light-matter interactions to the very direct applications of such concepts in the information and communication technologies. His team takes an active part in the «Photonics Quantum» National Center of excellence, of which he is the Director since July 1, 2005. He is a also divisional editor of Physical Review Letters since 2001.
1 Электронные книги Benoit Deveaud
Benoit Deveaud: The Physics of Semiconductor Microcavities
Electron and photon confinement in semiconductor nanostructures is one of the most active areas in solid state research. Written by leading experts in solid state physics, this book provides both a c …