автор: Bernd Zawta

Prof. Dr. Walter G. Guder was Professor of Clinical Chemistry at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich and Director of the Institute of Clinical Chemistry, Bogenhausen Community Hospital Munich until January 2003. He studied medicine at Cologne, Tübingen and Munich. Walter G. Guder served as President of the German Society of Clinical Chemistry and as Chairman of the Working Group on Preanalytical Quality. Prof. Dr. Dr. Hermann Wisser was Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Stuttgart until 2002. He also served as Director of the Institute of Clinical Chemistry of the faculty of Clinical Medicine Mannheim of the University of Heidelberg. Hermann Wisser was President of the German Society of Clinical Chemistry and is honorary member in various societies of clinical chemistry. Prof. Dr. Sheshadri Narayanan is Clinical Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the Weill Medical College of Conell University, New York City. He is a diplomat of the American Board of Clinical Chemistry and is licensed to act as Clinical Laboratory Director in all areas (chemistry, hematology, coagulation, microbiology etc.) in the States of New York and New Jersey. Dr. Bernd Zawta was Head of the Department of Scientific Customer Support and Public Relations of Roche Diagnostics Gmb H. He studied chemistry at the Technical University Dresden where his doctoral thesis was on «The Chromatography of Steroid Hormones». Bernd Zawta also served as WHO consultant in Mongolia in 1985. Dr. Zawta deceased during the preparation of this new edition.

3 Электронные книги Bernd Zawta

Walter G. Guder & Sheshadri Narayanan: Samples: From the Patient to the Laboratory
This forth updated edition contains the latest developments in analytical techniques. An international team of authors summarizes the information on biological influences, analytical interferences …
Walter G. Guder & Sheshadri Narayanan: Diagnostic Samples: From the Patient to the Laboratory
This fourth, updated edition contains the latest developments in analytical techniques. An international team of authors summarizes the information on biological influences, analytical interferences …
Walter G. Guder & Sheshadri Narayanan: Diagnostic Samples: From the Patient to the Laboratory
This fourth, updated edition contains the latest developments in analytical techniques. An international team of authors summarizes the information on biological influences, analytical interferences …