Contents: Bernhard Greiner / Philipp Theisohn , Vorwort: Exil und Exilliteratur im jüdischen Horizont. — Guy Stern , From Exile Experience to Exile Studies. — Sidra De Koven Ezrahi , When Exiles Return: Jerusalem as Topos of the Mind and Soil. — Jakob Hessing , Heinrich Heine’s »Reisebilder« as Images of Exile. — Philipp Theisohn , Erde / Papier. Kafka, Literatur und Landnahme. — Pierre Bouretz , Yichuv as Teshuvah: Gershom Scholem’s Settlement in Jerusalem as Return from Assimilation. — Mark H. Gelber , Stefan Zweig’s Conceptions of Exile. — Christoph Schmidt , Deus sive natura. The Transformation of the Jewish Apocalyptic Version of History into a Natural History in Jizchak Fritz Baer’s Treatise of >Galut< (Exile). — Doerte Bischoff , Exile, Trauma and the Modern Jewish Experience: The Example of Else Lasker-Schüler. — Adi Gordon , German Exiles in the >Orient<. The German-language Weekly »Orient« (Haifa, 1942—1943) between German Exile and Zionist Aliya. — Bernhard Greiner , Re-Präsentation: Exil als Zeichenpraxis bei Anna Seghers. — Rochelle Tobias , The Homecoming of a Word: Mystical Language Philosophy in Celan’s »Mit allen Gedanken«. — Carola Hilfrich , »The Land of Others«. Geographies of Exile in Hélène Cixous’s writings. — Frank Stern , The Two-Way Ticket to Hollywood and the Master-Images of 20th Century Modernism. — Philipp Theisohn , Nach Jerusalem.