Blending qualitative interviews with current research findings, this timely book explores the ‘dark side’ of courtship – the negative interactions that take place between dating and courting partners, most notably physical aggression and sexual exploitation. It emphasizes the importance of understanding how power dynamics, verbal aggression, interaction patterns, issues of control, and relationship dynamics are integrally tied to physical and sexual aggression. The authors also examine the contextual factors that encourage the use of physical and sexual aggression in romantic relationships and allow them to continue without necessarily bringing about the demise of the relationship. These contextual factors include patriarchal structures, the power of romance, and patterns of gender socialization. Personal anecdotes from interviews conducted by the authors are interwoven with the interpersonal and contextual framework, as well as the extant literature on physical and sexual aggression during courtship. It is unique in its emphasis on interpersonal dynamics, as the vast majority of the literature on courtship aggression has focused on the role of personality and other intra-individual factors.
′I Never Thought It Would Happen to Me′
′I Never Thought It Would Happen To Me′
The Darkside of Romance
A Framework for Understanding Physical and Sexual Aggression in Courtship
′I Wouldn′t Hurt You if I Didn′t Love You so Much′
The Dynamics of Physical Aggression
′I Never Called It Rape′
Sexual Aggression in Dating Relationships
Conclusions and Implications for Intervention
Об авторе
Sally Lloyd
Title: Professor
Co-Chair, Department of Teacher Education
Scholarly Interests:
Dr. Lloyd′s research interests include family/school collaboration and violence against women