автор: Bill Birchard

THE AUTHOR Bill Birchard is a freelance journalist who has been writing about management and the environment for more than twenty-five years. His work has appeared in Chief Executive, CFO, Fast Company, Strategy + Business, and Tomorrow magazines. He has also written for the Appalachian Trail Conference, the Montana Department of State Lands, and the U.S. Forest Service. He is the coauthor of two previous books, Counting What Counts and The One-Minute Meditator. On the web, see www.natureskeepers.net.

3 Электронные книги Bill Birchard

Bill Birchard: Nature’s Keepers
With more than $3.7 billion in assets and annual revenue of $800million, the Nature Conservancy has generated staggering growththat would be the envy of any business. Incorporated in 1951 by a small …
Ronald A. Howard & Clinton D. Korver: Ethics for the Real World
We often make small ethical compromises for ‘good’ reasons: We lie to a customer because our boss asked us to. We exaggerate our accomplishments on our résumé to get an interview. Temptatio …
Bill Birchard: Writing for Impact
Learn the keys to energizing your writing, engaging readers, and breaking out with influence.What good will it do to skillfully craft a written argument if you lose your audience? Simple emails, form …