автор: Bill McNabb

Bill Mc Nabb is former Chairman and CEO of Vanguard, the world»s second-largest mutual fund manager, with over $5 trillion in assets. Ram Charan is a world-renowned business adviser, author, teacher, and speaker who has spent the past forty years working with the CEOs, boards, and executives of the world»s top companies. He is the author or coauthor of more than thirty books that together have sold over four million copies, including Boards That Lead and Talent Wins (both coauthored with Dennis Carey). Dennis Carey is Vice Chairman of Korn Ferry. He has recruited and assessed board directors and CEOs for some of the world»s best-performing companies. He has coauthored seven books on talent, strategy, CEO succession, and corporate governance, including Boards That Lead and Talent Wins.

1 Электронные книги Bill McNabb

Bill McNabb & Ram Charan: Talent, Strategy, Risk
Long-term value creation—the board’s new agenda. A big shift in public ownership has created a new set of challenges for boards. Index funds managed by firms like Vanguard, Black Rock, and State Stre …