Maren Metz is head of the Psychology programme at the Department of Health and Care at the HFH — Hamburger Fern-Hochschule. She has experience in science and research in the areas of (virtual) learning and change strategies, especially in the field of e-coaching.
Birgit Spies holds the professorship for education and digitalisation at the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences and heads the distance learning programme Media and Communication Management (B.A.). Her work and research focuses in particular on teaching and learning with digital media and education.
2 Электронные книги Birgit Spies
Maren Metz & Birgit Spies: Digitale Psychologie
Dieses essential gibt einen ersten Überblick über die Schnittstellen von Digitalisierung und Psychologie und skizziert den sich entwickelnden Bereich der Digitalen Psychologie. Es zeigt aktuelle Proj …
Maren Metz & Birgit Spies: Digital Psychology
This Essential provides an initial overview of the intersections of digitalisation and psychology and outlines the developing field of digital psychology. It highlights current projects, formulates r …