Bradley A. Warady, MD
University of Missouri — Kansas City School of Medicine
Children’s Mercy Kansas City
Department of Pediatric Nephrology
Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Franz Schaefer, MD
Center for Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
Division of Pediatric Nephrology
Heidelberg, Germany
Steven R. Alexander, MD
Division of Pediatric Nephrology
Department of Pediatrics
Stanford University School of Medicine
Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford
Stanford, California, USA
2 Электронные книги Bradley A Warady
Bradley A Warady & Franz Schaefer: Pediatric Dialysis
Since the inaugural publication of Pediatric Dialysis in 2004, a wide range of advances have taken place in dialysis-related care, leading to a wealth of new knowledge in the field. Pediatric D …
Bradley A Warady & Franz Schaefer: Pediatric Dialysis Case Studies
Edited by the same team that developed the successful Pediatric Dialysis and its second edition, this text features clinical management principles that are integral to the care of children receiving …