S R Hashim during his long professional career spanning over nearly fifty years, has held high positions in academics as well as in government—planning and economic administration and diplomacy. He held the positions of Professor and Head, Department of Economics, M.S. University of Baroda, Director, Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi, and Director, Institute for Studies in Industrial Development, New Delhi. He served in the Planning Commission of India as Adviser, Principal Adviser, Member and Member-Secretary. He was also Member and Chairman of Union Public Service Commission, Govt. of India. He has extensively worked and written on issues relating to poverty and inequality, water and agriculture. He Chaired the Working Group on Wholesale Price Indices (1997–1999), and was Chairman of the National Commission on Integrated Water Resources Development Plan (1997–1999). He has chaired the Planning Commission’s “Expert Group on Identification of Urban Poor”. He produced many Ph.Ds. He is the editor of Quarterly Journal of Indian Association of social Science Institutions (IASSI).
Rahul Mukherji joined Heidelberg University in 2016 as Professor and Head of the Department of Political Science, South Asia Institute. He has previously taught at the National University of Singapore, Jawaharlal Nehru University (New Delhi, India), Hunter College of City University, New York, and the University of Vermont (USA). His two most recent books are: Globalization and Deregulation: Ideas, Interests and Institutional Change in India (OUP, 2014) and The Oxford India Short Introduction to the Political Economy of Reforms in India (2014). Rahul Mukherji serves on the boards of journals such as Governance, Pacific Affairs, India Review and Bandung: Journal of the Global South.
Brajaraja Mishra is a faculty at ICFAI Business School, Hyderabad, India. Prior to this, he served as an assistant professor at Institute for Development Studies Andhra Pradesh, before which he was at Centre for Economic and Social Studies, Hyderabad. His major areas of research are in the broader areas of inclusive development with specific interest on tribal policy and development, forest ecosystem, poverty/well-being and agrarian economy. His recent publications on tribal policy have wider academic interest.
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Saiyed Raza Hashim & Rahul Mukherji: Perspectives on Inclusive Policies for Development in India
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