Clarence Ng is an Associate Professor and Research Director at the Learning Sciences Institute Australia, Australian Catholic University. His current research focuses on learning and engagement of diverse student groups with a particular interest in promoting reading engagement for disadvantaged students.
Brendan Bartlett is the Chair Professor of Education, Faculty of Education and Arts, Australian Catholic University. Brendan is a Gellibrand Scholar, UNICEF Fellow and King Mongkut Medallist, as well as a recipient of the Rotary International Certificate for Significant Achievement in Education and of the Australian Learning and Teaching Council for Services to Education. His current research focuses on providing targeted support for children and youths moving through important contexts in their lives.
2 Электронные книги Brendan Bartlett
Clarence Ng & Brendan Bartlett: Empowering Engagement
This book examines promoting engagement for children and adolescents from challenging contexts or who are dealing with challenging conditions. The volume concentrates on three vulnerable …
Clarence Ng & Brendan Bartlett: Improving Reading and Reading Engagement in the 21st Century
This book presents cutting-edge research findings in areas critical to advancing reading research in the 21st century context, including new literacies, reading motivation, strategy instruction, and …