автор: Brian C Stiller

Brian C Stiller serves as Global Ambassador for the World Evangelical Alliance a global alliance which serves some 600 million evangelical Christians, and is president emeritus of Tyndale University College & Seminary, Toronto. He is the author of a dozen books, including: Preaching Parables to Post Moderns, (Fortress Press); You Never Know What You Have Till You Give It Away (Castle Quay Books); Jesus and Caesar – Christians in the Public Square (Castle Quay Books); What Happens When I Die(Castle Quay Books) and When Life Hurts — A Three-Fold Path to Healing, (Harper Collins). He is founding editor of Faith Today and for years hosted a weekly national television program, Cross Currents. He and his wife, Lily, live in Newmarket, Ontario

4 Электронные книги Brian C Stiller

Brian C Stiller: You Never Know What You Have Till You Give It Away
Brian Stiller, Past President, Tyndale University College & Seminary, has spent a life-time leading and teaching others to lead. He has led small ministries, large organizations and everything in bet …
Brian C Stiller: Find A Broken Wall
When it is assumed there is little more to say about leadership, Brian Stiller surprises us with new, fresh and creative insights. Unwrapping the ancient Old Testament story of Nehemiah, he identifie …
Brian C Stiller: What Happens When I Die? a Promise of the Afterlife
Life, as we know it, will end. It’s not a thought that tends to occupy our minds when we are young and in full health and vigor. We take risks, some foolhardy. We live as though we were immortal. And …
Faith, Life and Leadership
Faith, Life and Leadership: 8 Canadian Women Tell Their Stories is a collection of stories by 8 of Canada’s most prominent Christian women leaders who share the principles that helped each of them to …