Harrold Priory: a twelfth century dispute; and other artilces
‘Harrold priory: a twelfth century dispute, ’ by C. R. Cheney [Latin texts of nineteen of the documents in a law suit about the patronage of Stevington church, with an introduction. The documents cover the period from the mid-twelfth century to 1206.] ‘Roll of Bedfordshire supervisors of the peace, 1314, ’ by Joyce Godber [Latin text with brief summaries in English of presentments and plaints from the Bedfordshire hundreds before the supervisors of the peace (forerunners of justices of the peace), with introduction] ‘A Kempston estate in 1341, ’ by F. B. Stitt [Latin text of the extent of the manor, identified as Kempston Greys alias Hastingsbury, with introduction]
‘Elizabethan inventories, ’ by C. E. Freeman [abstracts of fifteen inventories made between 1562 and 1591, with introduction]
‘Domestic expenses of a nobleman’s household, 1678, ’ by the Earl of Cardigan [An extract from the analysis of expenditure kept by Simon Urlin for the Ampthill estates of Robert Bruce, 1st Earl of Ailesbury.]
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Frederick B. Stitt served in the Royal Navy in World War II, read history at Oxford, then began his archives career in Staffordshire. He worked at Bedford County Record Office for Joyce Godber (1949-1953) before moving, as county archivist, to Nottinghamshire then Staffordshire. He was an active member of the Society of Archivists.