автор: C. Richard Wells

C. Richard Wells is founding president and chancellor of John Witherspoon College (Rapid City, SD). He previously served on the faculty of Union University (Jackson, TN) and of Beeson Divinity School (Birmingham), as President of Criswell College (Dallas), and as a pastor in Florida, Texas, and South Dakota. He is the author of numerous publications, and coauthor of books on preaching and the psalms.

2 Электронные книги C. Richard Wells

Ray Van Neste & C. Richard Wells: Forgotten Songs
Many in the church have forgotten the Psalms. They may still be read, but the rich history of using them as the backbone of Christian worship (from the earliest days of the church until the 19th cent …
C. Richard Wells: Solomon Day by Day
The world is drowning in words. Some four million are books published every year, plus e-books, audiobooks, and magazines, not to mention television, movies, and videos; blogs, podcasts, and social m …