What do you want out of life?
What are you pursuing? Happiness? Money? Fame? Fortune? Pleasure? Security?
The ultimate prize is none of these but is actually something much higher and better: Christlikeness.
It sounds formidable, but ask yourself one question: Dont you want to be like Christ?
If you answered YES! then this book is for you!
Have you ever asked yourself, How can I be more like Jesus? How can I stop sinning? How can I live consistently in a way that pleases God? Have you ever wondered what the scripture means, Without holiness no man will see the Lord? Does it distress you that many believers seem to disregard holiness because they think that they are not under the law? Have you ever thought about what it means to be under the law and under grace? Are you concerned that our nation has cast God aside and is pursuing a secularist agenda? How can that be reversed?
Like Christ By Grace: Pursuing the Prize of Christlikeness By Gods Grace will give you the answers you seek.
Jesus Christ supplies everything you need to be like Him.
The book you hold in your hands is a message of encouragement and hope, as well as a challenging call to Christlikeness. No matter how many times you have fallen and no matter how miserably you may have failed, God is on your side. God is for you. Hes not about to give up on you. You can be like Christ by grace!
Об авторе
Carl Becker is a Bible teacher, author, pastor, husband, and father of two children; he has over twenty years of pastoral experience. He graduated from the University of Rochester and from Rhema Bible Training Center. He was awarded a Doctor of Theology degree from Life Christian University.