Dr Carlo Massobrio is a first-class research director at the Institute of Physics and Chemistry of Materials at CNRS/University of Strasbourg in France. Dr Massobrio has researched molecular dynamics for over 35 years.
4 Электронные книги Carlo Massobrio
Carlo Massobrio & Jincheng Du: Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Disordered Materials
This book is a unique reference work in the area of atomic-scale simulation of glasses. For the first time, a highly selected panel of about 20 researchers provides, in a single book, their views, me …
Daniela Calzoni & Pier Francesco De Rui: Toscano
‘Il titolo dell’opera, Toscano, implica un viatico romantico, simbolico ed evocativo: il nome di un vento che trasporti questi componimenti in fuga, verso altri territori, altre culture, lettori, aut …
Herve Bulou & Christine Goyhenex: Atomic-Scale Modeling of Nanosystems and Nanostructured Materials
Understanding the structural organization of materials at the atomic scale is a lo- standing challenge of condensed matter physics and chemistry. By reducing the size of synthesized systems down to t …
Carlo Massobrio: The Structure of Amorphous Materials using Molecular Dynamics
This reference text demonstrates how molecular dynamics can be used in practice to achieve a precise understanding of structural properties for systems devoid of any order beyond the first interatomi …