автор: Carly Mul

Caryl Mul is the founder of Webfabrics, a company originating in her home basement before growing into one of the most successful quilt retailers on the East Coast of the United States. With a unique eye for color and a broad-reaching knowledge of the quilting industry, she's used her shop as a medium for sharing insights with quilting enthusiasts the world over—including «Open Studio Days» for a small selection of students. You can find her favorite collage quilt patterns and supplies at her website, www.carlymul.com.

1 Электронные книги Carly Mul

Carly Mul: Freestyle Color Collage Quilting
With Freestyle Color Collage Quilting — the latest guide from industry expert Carly Mul — you'll discover user-friendly secrets for organic, free-form color collage techniques. Don't be sur …