Поэзия / Драма поддержкаЕлектронна книгаХудожественная литератураповествовательная литературанапряжениеФантастика / ФэнтезиАнтологииПоэзия / ДрамаДвуязычные изданияКомикс / Юмор / СатираПодарочные книги, альбомы, календариПоэзияДрама106 044 Электронные книги в этой категории LeAnn Lynn: Walls I had no idea what to do with myself when I lost my best friend. I started thinking about what could have been, and that led to me discovering my love for poetry. I was finally able to get it all out … EPUB Adobe DRM €4.52 Sakineh Asadzadeh: Mustard Earring In Mustard Earring, emotions and logic intertwine as the book delves into the themes of personal values, inner struggles, anxieties, and unfortunate circumstances. While the narrative primarily takes … EPUB Adobe DRM €4.52 Autumn Seeley: Pins and Roses Autumn Seeley’s debut collection of poetry, Pins and Roses, is a deeply moving and heartfelt work that captures the raw and intense emotions of the human experience. With a deft touch, Seeley explore … EPUB Adobe DRM €4.49 M.L Wilkins: Things That Be In Things That Be, the author shares a collection of poems that provide a powerful and unique perspective on the world from a southern Black American viewpoint. Through his words, the author captures … EPUB Adobe DRM €4.53 Amanda Jane Burrell: Love Under Fire "Love Under Fire is dedicated to the women who have inspired me and whom I have known and loved and in a few cases loved too much. Their number is many, and I thank all in memory of their timele … EPUB Adobe DRM €4.50 Iris Rosax: Stand Alone Still Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and healing in this compelling exploration of resilience and forgiveness. Have you endured unimaginable hardships, surviving what feels like hell … EPUB Adobe DRM €4.52 Ahmad Almansoori: Compendium I’ve always dreamed of a poetry scene in the UAE. Not a fleeting stage but an immortal book, to hold our painted words and bring them to the hands of those who would read them. I myself write but I d … EPUB Adobe DRM €4.50 Regii: Still here Broken childhood, broken dreams. Never heard, yet misunderstood. Is a home a safe place to be? In this captivating work of extended verse, immerse yourself in the poignant tale of a woman yearning to … EPUB Adobe DRM €4.48 Raed Aljishi: Clay Tablets Clay Tablets in Nietzsche’s Cave is a masterful, poetic work—and as momentousfor the reception of Arabic poetry in English as was the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls for theologians and anthropolo … EPUB Adobe DRM €5.13 Bill Milton: Giant Footsteps Bill Milton’s poetry is a tour de force and is never far away from the experience of every day life and treads a fine line between the sublime and humourous. Most readers will be able to identify wit … EPUB Adobe DRM €4.52 Следущая страница >>> 0 0 касса 0,00 × × × Изменить язык пользователя × арабскийНемецкийанглийскийиспанскийФранцузскийхиндииндонезийскийитальянскиймалайскийнидерландский языкпольскийпортугальскийрумынскийрусскийшведскийтайскийтурецкийукраинецвьетнамскийкитайский языкInternational Modal ×