Очерки, особенности, литературная критика поддержкаЕлектронна книгаХудожественная литератураповествовательная литературадо 1945 годас 1945Исторические романы, рассказысказки, легенды, легендыАнтологияРомантические биографииПисьма, дневникиОчерки, особенности, литературная критикаафоризмы25 298 Электронные книги в этой категории Martin Breum: Cold Rush The Arctic is heating up. While China, the US and Russia are militarizing the North pole — sending submarines and ice-breakers — the ice itself continues to recede creating new trade routes and new o … EPUB Adobe DRM €40.50 Iceberg Slim: Mama Black Widow Iceberg Slim»s third slice of ghetto life is recounted straight from the hip by Otis Tilson, a schizophrenic and ageing drag queen. However, the dominating presence and epicentre of this tragic tale … EPUB Adobe DRM €10.29 Andrea Broomfield & Sally Mitchell: Prose by Victorian Women First published in 1996. The first modern collection of its kind, this anthology includes unabridged essays written by 19th century Britain’s» most eminent women intellectuals- the female counter-pa … EPUB Adobe DRM €76.10 E. D. Blodgett: The Romance of Flamenca Variously described as a comedy of manners, a psychological romance, and a type of fabliau, the 13th-century narrative Flamenca is the best medieval romance written in Occitan. Its uniqueness springs … EPUB Adobe DRM €230.85 Elizabeth Skerpan-Wheeler: Life Writings, II Early modern men and women represented their lives very differently from twentieth-century autobiographers, sharing none of the current preoccupation with individuality and the unique self. The write … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.06 Jeffrey Powers-Beck: Elizabeth Major Elizabeth Major was inspired to write Honey on the Rod (1656) as a result of lameness brought on by a bout of fever in her mid-twenties. The experience left her fiercely devoted to her Christian reli … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.18 Arundhati Roy: Ordinary Person’s Guide To Empire EPUB Adobe DRM €12.88 Roger Bromley: Lost Narratives Roger Bromley deals with the ways in which certain popular forms contribute to the social production of memories. The texts he examines include the fictions of R. F. Delderfield and Lena Kennedy. Thi … EPUB Adobe DRM €21.90 James Holstun: Holstun Pamphlet Wars The English Revolution of 1642-60 produced an explosion of stylistically and ideologically diverse pamphlet literature. The essays collected here focus on the prose of this new revolutionary era, and … EPUB Adobe DRM €56.32 Hamish Haswell-Smith: An Island Odyssey In An Island Odyssey Hamish Haswell-Smith casts off in his forty-one-foot sloop Jandara, armed with his sketch pad and a route map of a journey first taken by Martin Martin in 1703. Haswell-Smith set … EPUB Adobe DRM €25.68 Следущая страница >>> 0 0 касса 0,00 × × × Изменить язык пользователя × арабскийНемецкийанглийскийиспанскийФранцузскийхиндииндонезийскийитальянскиймалайскийнидерландский языкпольскийпортугальскийрумынскийрусскийшведскийтайскийтурецкийукраинецвьетнамскийкитайский языкInternational Modal ×