Общие словари поддержкаЕлектронна книгаНаукаМатематикаОбщие словариОсновыАрифметика, алгебрагеометрияАнализТеория вероятностей, статистикаДругое1 385 Электронные книги в этой категории Vladimir V. Senatov: Normal Approximation The series is devoted to the publication of high-level monographs and surveys which cover the whole spectrum of probability and statistics. The books of the series are addressed to both experts and a … PDF английский Adobe DRM €249.00 Yu. E. Anikonov & B. A. Bubnov: Inverse and Ill-Posed Sources Problems The Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems Series is a series of monographs publishing postgraduate level information on inverse and ill-posed problems for an international readership of professional scienti … PDF английский Adobe DRM €189.95 Tammo tom Dieck: Transformation Groups “This book is a jewel – it explains important, useful and deep topics in Algebraic Topology that you won’t find elsewhere, carefully and in detail.” Prof. Günter M. Ziegler, TU Berlin … PDF английский Adobe DRM €149.95 Wolf P. Barth & Klaus Hulek: Abelian Varieties The series is aimed specifically at publishing peer reviewed reviews and contributions presented at workshops and conferences. Each volume is associated with a particular conference, symposium or wor … PDF английский Adobe DRM €189.95 B. M. Levitan: Inverse Sturm-Liouville Problems PDF английский Adobe DRM €219.00 F. Halter-Koch & Robert F. Tichy: Algebraic Number Theory and Diophantine Analysis The series is aimed specifically at publishing peer reviewed reviews and contributions presented at workshops and conferences. Each volume is associated with a particular conference, symposium or wor … PDF английский Adobe DRM €259.00 Vladimir E. Nazaikinskii & Victor E. Shatalov: Contact Geometry and Linear Differential Equations PDF английский Adobe DRM €139.95 Horst Leptin & Jean Ludwig: Unitary Representation Theory of Exponential Lie Groups PDF английский Adobe DRM €179.95 Zhiming Ma & M. Röckner: Dirichlet Forms and Stochastic Processes The series is aimed specifically at publishing peer reviewed reviews and contributions presented at workshops and conferences. Each volume is associated with a particular conference, symposium or wor … PDF английский Adobe DRM €199.95 G. A. Korablev: Spatial-Energy Principles of the Processes for Complex Structure Formation PDF английский Adobe DRM €219.00 Следущая страница >>> 0 0 касса 0,00 × × × Изменить язык пользователя × арабскийНемецкийанглийскийиспанскийФранцузскийхиндииндонезийскийитальянскиймалайскийнидерландский языкпольскийпортугальскийрумынскийрусскийшведскийтайскийтурецкийукраинецвьетнамскийкитайский языкInternational Modal ×