In original essays drawn from a myriad of archival materials, Society Women and Enlightened Charity in Spain reveals how the members of the Junta de Damas de Honor y Mérito, founded in 1787 to administer charities and schools for impoverished women and children, claimed a role in the public sphere through their self-representation as civic mothers and created an enlightened legacy for modern feminism in Spain.
Об авторе
Catherine M. Jaffe is professor of Spanish literature at Texas State University and the coeditor of several books, including Eve’s Enlightenment: Women’s Experience in Spain and Spanish America, 1726–1839. Elisa Martín-Valdepeñas Yagüe holds a doctorate in modern history from the National University of Distance Education in Spain. She coauthored, with Catherine M. Jaffe, María Lorenza de los Ríos, marquesa de Fuerte-Híjar: Vida y obra de una escritora del Siglo de las Luces.