Faye Henry is a cosmic musician. She plays a number of fun instruments to create a cosmic song that joyfully vibrates each cell in the recipient»s body. It feels like a sonic massage, penetrating into, around and through her audiences. Faye intuitively plays Gongs, Freenotes, Crystal Bowls and Crystal Pyramids, creating unique sound massages. No two presentations are the same.Faye specializes in playing Paiste Gongs. She instinctively coaxes a wide variety of sounds from them. It»s as though they are speaking in many different, wise voices. The primal sounds from her gongs have a commanding energy. As people attending discover, their minds easily relax, without resistance, becoming one with their bodies and spirits in a place of stillness. They typically experience total relaxation, reduced stress, balance, harmony and relief from pain. Many take shamanic journeys throughout the cosmos on the sound waves of the gongs. Sonic massages are at once energizing and peaceful. Faye trusts her haunting and familiar gong sounds to «sweep issues right out of the tissues». Typically the comment Faye hears is «WOW». People often have no words to describe the joyful experience from the vibration of her magical gongs.This is her passion, yet she also has a unique skill set that includes videographer, video editor and director, audio creation and production, website development, as well as design and creation of several books for her friends. Her early career included serving in the US Army as an air traffic controller in Germany, a position as an air traffic controller at Ft Worth, Tx ARTCC with the FAA, sales manager and underwater videographer for Scuba World Television Series, computer sales, support and installation and training, years with an advertising agency in Dalton Ga, and beginning integrating of a JIT system for Horizon Carpet. So she has a well rounded palate of tools along with the gongs.
1 Электронные книги Cecil D. Haas
Cecil D. Haas: Life Ain’t A Dress Rehearsal
This is a book of poetry about events in the life of a Vietnam veteran, career military man, husband, father, and outdoorsman. It covers his and others experiences in love, loss, relationships, the o …