Charles Leadbeater is one the world»s leading authorities on innovation and creativity in organisations. He has advised companies, cities and governments around the world, from the BBC and RSC to Vodafone and Microsoft, has won the prestigious David Watt prize for journalism and in 2005 was ranked by Accenture as one of the top management thinkers in the world. His previous books include Living on Thin Air and Up the Down Escalator. Time magazine highlighted his work in its 2006 review of ideas that could shape the coming decade.
4 Электронные книги Charles Leadbeater
Charles Leadbeater & Denis Mongon: School Leadership for Public Value
School Leadership for Public Value is a timely contribution to the debate about the purpose and structure of schooling in England. It describes how some schools enhance pupil attainment by creating s …
Charles Leadbeater: We-Think
Society is no longer based on mass consumption but on mass participation. New forms of collaboration — such as Wikipedia and You Tube — are paving the way for an age in which people want to be player …
Annie Besant & Charles Leadbeater: Libro dei Poteri Occulti
Il Libro dei Poteri Occulti è una sintesi di alcuni insegnamenti di Annie Wood Besant e Charles Webster Leadbeater massimi rappresentanti del pensiero teosofico. “Per la maggior parte de …
H. P. Blavatsky: A voz do silêncio
Nova edição do clássico da literatura teosófica, A voz do silêncio, na tradução de Fernando Pessoa, com apresentação de Jamil Salloum Jr. e projeto gráfico de Tereza Bettinardi. A voz do silêncio, ob …