Giorgio Bongiovanni is Professor of Philosophy of Law at the University of Bologna Law School (Italy). He has published widely in constitutional theory, legal theory, metaethics and normative ethics, the theory of legal interpretation, the foundations of practical reason, the history of legal theory and philosophy, and the history and philosophy of politics. His works include, among others, a monographic volume on legal theory and constitutionalism (Laterza, 2005), and the editorship (with G. Sartor and C. Valentini) of the volume Reasonableness and Law (Springer, 2009). He also edited two books, respectively, on moral objectivism (B. Mondadori, 2007) and (with G. Gozzi) on the philosophy of international law (Il Mulino, 2006). He is associate editor of Ratio Juris: An International Journal of Jurisprudence and Philosophy of Law (Wiley-Blackwell). Gerald
J. Postema is Cary C. Boshamer Professor of Philosophy and Professor of Law at the Universityof North Carolina at Chapel Hill (USA). He has published extensively in legal and political philosophy and ethics. He wrote, among others, Bentham and the Common Law Tradition (Clarendon 1986/1989) and edited Racism and the Law (Kluwer 1997); Rationality, Conventions, and the Law (Kluwer 1998); Jeremy Bentham: Moral, Political, and Legal Philosophy (Ashgate 2002) and Philosophy and the Law of Torts (CUP 2001). He is associate editor of the multi-volume work A Treatise of Legal Philosophy and General Jurisprudence (Springer). Former Guggenheim and Rockefeller fellow, and fellow of the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies and the National Humanities Center, he was editor of Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Law and special issues editor of Law and Philosophy.
Antonino Rotolo is Associate Professor of Philosophy of Law at the University of Bologna Law School (Italy). He published two monographic volumes about reasoning by analogy in the law (Clueb, 2001) and multi-modal logics for modeling the interaction between agents and normative systems (Gedit, 2002). He has also extensively written on formal methods for practical and legal reasoning, logics for artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence and law, and philosophical logic. He served as a reviewer for many international journals and as a member of the programme committee of international conferences and workshops. He is assistant editor of Ratio Juris: An International Journal of Jurisprudence and Philosophy of Law (Wiley-Blackwell) and A Treatise of Legal Philosophy and General Jurisprudence (Springer).
Giovanni Sartor is Marie-Curie Professor of Legal Informatics and Legal Theory at the European University Institute of Florence and Professor of Computer and Law at the University of Bologna (Italy), after obtaining a Ph D at the European University Institute (Florence), working at the Court of Justice of the European Union (Luxembourg), being a researcher at the Italian National Council of Research (ITTIG, Florence), and holding the chair in Jurisprudence at Queen’s University of Belfast (where he now is honorary professor). He is author of ten books (among which, Legal Reasoning: A Cognitive Approach to the Law, Springer, 2005 and Artificial Intelligence in Law, Tano, 1993) and has published widely in legal philosophy and legal theory, legal informatics (artificial intelligence and law), computational logic, legislation technique, and computer law. He is co-editor of the journal Artificial Intelligence and Law (Springer).
Douglas Walton holds the Assumption Chair in Argumentation Studies and is Distinguished Research Fellow of the Centre for Research in Reasoning, Argumentation and Rhetoric (CRRAR) at the University of Windsor, Canada. He is the author of over thirty-five books in the areas of argumentation, logic and artificial intelligence. They include, most recently, Witness Testimony Evidence (CUP, 2008), Dialog Theory for Critical Argumentation (J. Benjamins, 2007), Media Argumentation (CUP, 2007), and Fundamentals of Critical Argumentation (CUP, 2006). He is co-editor of Critical Argumentation book series for Cambridge University Press, and serves on the editorial boards of the Argumentation Library book series for Springer. He is on the editorial boards of the journals Argumentation and Advocacy, Artificial Intelligence and Law, Informal Logic, Philosophy & Rhetoric and Revista Iberoamericana de Argumentación.
12 Электронные книги Chiara Valentini
Michela Ardizzoni & Chiara Ferrari: Beyond Monopoly
Current trends of globalization have influenced the social, economic, and political framework of national media worldwide. In recent years, the field of media studies has focused on globalization as …
Giorgio Bongiovanni & Giovanni Sartor: Reasonableness and Law
Reasonableness is at the centre of legal debate, both in academic circles and in practice. This unique reference work adopts an interdisciplinary perspective, merging jurisprudence, legal theory, pol …
Chiara Baradel & Carla Severini: Lavorare al nido, testimonianze
Queste pagine rendono conto di un percorso di lavoro vissuto da educatrici, coordinatrici di servizi e coordinatrice pedagogica che rispondono quotidianamente ai bisogni dei bambini, alle attese dell …
Chiara Valentini: Cibi per dimagrire
Solo per TE un manuale per dimagrire senza faticare! L’importante è capire cosa ti fa bene e cosa no! Desideri raggiungere il tuo peso forma senza digiunare o mangiare pochissimo? Hai pr …
Giorgio Bongiovanni & Gerald Postema: Handbook of Legal Reasoning and Argumentation
This handbook addresses legal reasoning and argumentation from a logical, philosophical and legal perspective. The main forms of legal reasoning and argumentation are covered in an exhaustive and cri …
Giorgia Nesti & Chiara Valentini: Public Communication in the European Union
This book is a collection of essays that analyse and discuss EU information and communication policies and activities towards, with, by different publics developed both by the EU institutions at the …
Chiara Valentini: Public Relations
What is public relations? What do public relations professionals do? And what are the theoretical underpinnings that drive the discipline? This handbook provides an up-to-date overview of one of the …
Chiara Valentini: Public Relations
What is public relations? What do public relations professionals do? And what are the theoretical underpinnings that drive the discipline? This handbook provides an up-to-date overview of one of the …
Teresa (University of Barcelona, Spain) Marques & Chiara (University of Bologna, Italy) Valentini: Collective Action, Philosophy and Law
Collective Action, Philosophy and Law brings together two important strands of philosophical analysis. It combines general philosophical inquiry into collective agency with analyses of specific quest …
Teresa (University of Barcelona, Spain) Marques & Chiara (University of Bologna, Italy) Valentini: Collective Action, Philosophy and Law
Collective Action, Philosophy and Law brings together two important strands of philosophical analysis. It combines general philosophical inquiry into collective agency with analyses of specific quest …
Sabine Einwiller & Stefania Romenti: Communication in Uncertain Times
Technological developments and globalization have not only propelled societal progress, but they have also ushered in significant challenges and risks that continually demand responses and adaptabili …
Sabine Einwiller & Stefania Romenti: Communication in Uncertain Times
Technological developments and globalization have not only propelled societal progress, but they have also ushered in significant challenges and risks that continually demand responses and adaptabili …