автор: Chris Goodman

Chris Goodman is married with three girls and three grandchildren. He grew up near his cousins in a small village in a northern state. His parents both worked hard to give him an opportunity to attend college. He was an average high school graduate that was very active in sports. He attended University in a Southern State where he graduated with a BS in Chemistry. He continued his education at another Southern State where he received a MS and Ph.D. in Agronomy and Soil Chemistry. His research determined the cause for the peach tree replant problem affecting numerous peach orchards in the South. Peach sprays of zinc and arsenic accumulated in the soil resulting in toxic conditions for peach trees and other crops planted on peach orchard sites. He conducted growth chamber, greenhouse and field experiments to evaluate solutions to the soil contamination. He was then employed as a Federal Government Research Scientist up north. After five years of research that solved acid soil and aluminum and manganese toxicity in potatoes, he was hired by another Federal Government down south to join a small team of engineers and scientists to develop a world class Environmental Laboratory to evaluate all environmental issues at every Federal project all over the world. Consequently, he travelled the globe addressing environmental problems and working with world renowned scientists to solve contamination problems. He authored or co-authored more than 235 technical research papers, presenting research papers at more than sixty national and international conferences over fifty years. He retired in 2003 and established a consulting service and a small business recycling waste material such as dredged material, cellulose such as waste paper, sawdust, leaves, etc and bio solids such as animal manure and sewage sludge into fertile topsoil. As a scientist, he learned to be extremely observant and take daily copious notes in a diary. He used his scientific methods to record daily observations for the six years he attempted to help his cousin recover from severe brain damage suffered mysteriously one night alone with his second wife. He never in his wildest dreams would have ever believed the situation he found himself in. He and his cousin wrote this book to expose the people who preyed on the unfortunate that suffer health conditions that make them extremely vulnerable to predators who take all of their life-long accumulated wealth with no consequences or justice. James Anderson grew up in the same village as Chris Goodman. He attended the local public schools and then went to University and graduated with two degrees in Engineering. He later left that profession and went to schools to study wood and stone sculpture/ carving in Europe. Following his studies he returned to the USA and has been self-employed for over forty-seven years as a sculptor/carver/lecturer/consultant/restorer. He has done projects for the Federal, State, county, and local governments, public and private companies, historical groups, and many individuals in the North America. He presently resides up north. His talents were under high demand when his brother suffered severe brain damage. He delayed his projects to come to his brother’s side. Initially, it appeared he would be able to continue his projects as he thought his brother was in good hands. However, when he learned his brother’s second wife did not want his brother to live so she could get his wealth, he had to refuse jobs and lost considerable income for more than two years. His life was turned upside down. He could not believe what had happened to his brother and the consequences he was suffering. He made up his mind that the subculture tribalism he fell into must be exposed for what they were.

1 Электронные книги Chris Goodman

James Anderson & Chris Goodman: The Second Wife and Subculture Tribalism
Revealed are the second wife’s attempt to murder by any means possible her wealthy fifth husband for his money; a town’s clan-tribal mentality; a corrupt legal system of unethical and conspiring lawy …