Ecocomposition examines current trends in universities toward more environmentally sound work, explores the intersections between composition research—that is, discourse studies—and ecostudies, and offers possible pedagogies for the composition classroom. Never before have the intersections between ecotheory and composition studies in theory and pedagogy been addressed in this much depth or detail. As universities become increasingly concerned with issues of the environment within academic disciplines across the spectrum, this book brings together a diverse group of prominent voices to discuss the development of ecocomposition and its possibilities, and to argue for a greening of composition studies through which to engage the world in which we live.
Marilyn M. Cooper
Breaking New Ground in Ecocomposition: An Introduction
Christian R. Weisser and Sidney I. Dobrin
Writing Takes Place
Sidney I. Dobrin
Sustainable Composition
Derek Owens
Ecology, Alienation. and Literacy: Constraints and Possibilities in Ecocomposition
M. Jimmie Killingsworth and John Krajicek
The Politics of Place: Student Travelers and Pedagogical Maps
Julie Drew
The Ecology of Genre
Anis Bawarshi
Ecocomposition and the Greening of Identity
Christian R. Weisser
Great Divides: Rhetorics of Literacy and Orality
Randall Roorda
The Wilderness Strikes Back: Decolonizing the Imperial Sign in the Borderlands
Stephen G. Brown
Education and Environmental Literacy: Reflections on Teaching Ecocomposition in Keene State College’s Environmental House
Mark C. Long
The Liberatory Positioning of Place in Ecocomposition: Reconsidering Paulo Freire
Arlene Plevin
Ecofeminism and Ecocomposition: Pedagogies, Perspectives, and Intersections
Greta Gaard
Ecology and Composition Studies: A Feminist Perspective on Living Relationships
Colleen Connolly
The Ecology of Writerly Voice: Authorship, Ethos, and Persona
Christopher J. Keller
Service Learning and Ecocomposition: Developing Sustainable Practices through Inter- and Extradisciplinarity
Annie Merrill Ingram
Restoring Bioregions Through Applied Composition
Paul Lindholdt
‘Written In Its Own Season’: Nature as Ground in the Postmodern World
Edward Lotto
Don’t Forget to Argue: Problems, Possibilities, and Ecocomposition
David Thomas Sumner
Writing Home: Composition, Campus Ecology, and Webbed Environments
Bradley John Monsma
Об авторе
Christian R. Weisser is Assistant Professor of English at the University of Hawaii (Hilo).
Sidney I. Dobrin is Associate Professor of English and the Director of Writing Programs at the University of Florida. He is the author of
Constructing Knowledges: The Politics of Theory-Building and Pedagogy in Composition, and the coeditor (with Lynn Worsham and Gary A. Olson) of
The Kinneavy Papers: Theory and the Study of Discourse, and (with Gary A. Olson)
Composition Theory for the Postmodern Classroom, all from SUNY Press.