Dr Jürgen Köhl is a Senior Scientist in Plant Pathology at Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands with an international reputation in biological control of plant diseases. He is Convenor of the Working Group on Biological and Integrated Control of Plant Pathogens at the International Organization for Biological and Integrated Control (IOBC-wprs).
7 Электронные книги Christopher Adams
Xiangming Xu & Michelle Fountain: Integrated management of diseases and insect pests of tree fruit
- Comprehensive review of current research on the causes of major fungal, bacterial and viral diseases of tree fruit
- Summarises current understanding of the ecology of key insect pes …
Christopher Adams & Lucy Burke: Plays from VAULT 3 (NHB Modern Plays)
This anthology comprises five of the best plays from VAULT 2018, London’s biggest and most exciting arts festival. Young men are dying and everyone assumes they’re just casualties of London’s chemsex …
Christopher Adams: Tumulus (NHB Modern Plays)
Young men are dying and everyone assumes they’re just casualties of London’s chemsex scene. Everyone, that is, but Anthony, who is determined to investigate. Christopher Adams' play Tumulus is a …
Malaprop Theatre & Maud Dromgoole: Plays from VAULT 4 (NHB Modern Plays)
An anthology of seven of the best plays from VAULT Festival 2019, London's biggest and most exciting arts festival. 3 Billion Seconds by Maud Dromgoole is a hilarious, macabre love story about a …
Christopher Adams: Open (NHB Modern Plays)
Open, a play by Christopher Adams and Timothy Allsop, is a frank, refreshing romance that draws on interviews, conversation and private correspondence to explore the authors' real-life open marr …
Christopher Adams & Aleksandar Erkalovic: The Open Web
The Web was meant to be Everything. As the Internet as a whole assumes an increasingly commanding role as the technology of global commerce and communication, the World Wide Web from its very incepti …