Learn to identify the social engineer by non-verbal behavior
Unmasking the Social Engineer: The Human Element of Security focuses on combining the science of understanding non-verbal communications with the knowledge of how social engineers, scam artists and con men use these skills to build feelings of trust and rapport in their targets. The author helps readers understand how to identify and detect social engineers and scammers by analyzing their non-verbal behavior. Unmasking the Social Engineer shows how attacks work, explains nonverbal communications, and demonstrates with visuals the connection of non-verbal behavior to social engineering and scamming.
* Clearly combines both the practical and technical aspects of social engineering security
* Reveals the various dirty tricks that scammers use
* Pinpoints what to look for on the nonverbal side to detect the social engineer
Sharing proven scientific methodology for reading, understanding, and deciphering non-verbal communications, Unmasking the Social Engineer arms readers with the knowledge needed to help protect their organizations.
Foreword xv
Acknowledgments and Preface xvii
Introduction xxi
I Building the Foundation 1
1 What Is Nonverbal Communication? 3
The Different Aspects of Nonverbal Communication 8
Kinesics 9
Proxemics 13
Touch 14
Eye Contact 15
Olfactics 16
Adornment 17
Facial Expressions 19
How to Use This Information 20
Summary 23
2 What Is Social Engineering? 25
Information Gathering 28
Pretexting 29
Elicitation 30
Rapport 30
Influence/Manipulation 32
Framing 33
Nonverbal Communications 34
The Three Basic Forms of Social Engineering 34
Become Phishers of Men 35
When The Phone Is More Dangerous Than Malware 39
I Am Not the Social Engineer You Are Looking For 43
Using Social Engineering Skills 45
The Good 46
The Bad 47
The Ugly 48
Summary 48
II Decoding the Language of the Body 51
3 Understanding the Language of the Hands 53
Communicating with Your Hands 55
Origin 57
Coding 57
Usage 58
High-Confidence Hand Displays 66
Low-Confidence and Stress Hand Displays 75
Getting a Handle on the Hands 78
Summary 79
4 The Torso, Legs, and Feet 81
Legs and Feet 83
Torso and Arms 89
Summary 97
5 The Science Behind the Face 99
Just the FACS 103
What Is a Truth Wizard? 105
Emotions versus Feelings 108
Fear 109
Surprise 113
Sadness 116
Contempt 121
Disgust 125
Anger 128
Happiness 132
Perfect Practice Makes Perfect 136
Summary 137
6 Understanding Nonverbal Displays of Comfort and Discomfort 139
Neck and Face Pacifying 143
What to Watch For 144
Mouth Covers 146
What to Watch For 147
Lips 147
What to Watch For 151
Eye Blocking 153
What to Watch For 154
Self-Comforting and Head Tilts 154
What to Watch For 157
Summary 158
III Deciphering the Science 159
7 The Human Emotional Processor 161
Introducing the Amygdala 164
How the Amygdala Processes Information 165
Hijacking the Amygdala 167
Human See, Human Do 169
Reading Other People’s Expressions 170
Your Own Emotional Content 171
Nonverbal Social Proof 171
Using Amygdala Hijacking as a Social Engineer 172
Summary 174
8 The Nonverbal Side of Elicitation 177
Artificial Time Constraints 181
Sympathy/Assistance Themes 182
Ego Suspension 184
Ask How, When, and Why Questions 186
Conversational Signals 187
Action Unit 1: Inner Brow Raiser 188
Action Unit 2: Outer Brow Raiser 188
Action Unit 4: Brow Lowerer 189
Conversational Signals of Emotions 190
Breaking Down Conversational Signals 191
Batons 191
Underliner r 192
Punctuation 192
Question Mark 193
Word Search 193
Nonverbal Conversational Signals 193
Conversational Signals as a Social Engineer 195
Summary 196
IV Putting It All Together 197
9 Nonverbal Communication and the Social Engineer Human Being 199
Applying This Information as a Professional Social Engineer 202
Using This Book to Defend 206
Becoming a Critical Thinker 207
Summary 210
Index 213
Об авторе
CHRISTOPHER HADNAGY is author of the best-selling book,
Social Engineering: The Art of Human Hacking and
professional social engineer who works with Fortune 500
DR. PAUL EKMAN, PH.D., is the world’s foremost
expert on facial expressions and professor emeritus of psychology
at the University of California San Francisco School of Medicine.
Dr. Ekman’s pioneering work in the field of nonverbal
communication and visual lie detection was the inspiration behind
the hit TV series Lie to Me, for which he acted as a
scientific consultant. Dr. Ekman has also served as an advisor to
police departments and anti-terrorism groups within the United
States government, and is the author 13 books, including Telling
Lies and Emotions Revealed.