Christopher M. Watford, a high school teacher, is a member of the Central Piedmont Historic Preservation Association and the Davidson County (North Carolina) Civil War Roundtable. He lives in the Light area near Thomasville, North Carolina.
2 Электронные книги Christopher M. Watford
Watford Christopher M. Watford: Civil War in North Carolina, Volume 2: The Mountains
"You will perceive by this I am at least in the Confederate service…. Since I have been here I have had a severe sickness but am glad to say at present I am well though I fear my sickness woul …
Watford Christopher M. Watford: Civil War in North Carolina, Volume 1: The Piedmont
"I think that we can hold our position here against any force that the enemy can bring against us, as we have an admirable position & are all ready. I can give you no idea when the general attac …