автор: Christopher Marc Schlick

Christopher M. Schlick is Professor of Engineering at RWTH Aachen University and head of the Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics. He is a member of the management board of the FGAN Research Institute for Communication, Information Processing and Ergonomics (FKIE). His research interests include modeling and simulation of work and business systems as well as the ergonomic design of human‐machine interfaces. Ekkehart Frieling was Professor and head of the Institute of Industrial Science and Ergonomics at the University of Kassel from 1982 to 2007. He was vice president of the University of Kassel and president of “Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft e.V.”. Since 2008 he is working as freelancer for Volkswagen (VW) ‐ Baunatal. His research interests are in the field of work design, work analysis and competence development as well as work design conducive to age in the automotive industry. Dr. Jürgen Wegge is full professor of Work and Organisational Psychology at the TU Dresden. He is the president of the German Work‐, Organizational‐ and Business Psychologist organized in the German Psychological Society (DGPs) and a fellow of AOM, SIOP, IAAP, EAWOP, and several other psychological associations. His research interests are in the field of work motivation, leadership, occupational health and excellence in organizations.

7 Электронные книги Christopher Marc Schlick

Christopher Marc Schlick & Ekkehart Frieling: Age-Differentiated Work Systems
The disproportionate aging of the population of working age in many nations around the world is a unique occurrence in the history of humankind. In the light of demographic change, it is becoming inc …
Christopher Marc Schlick & Klaus Moser: Flexible Produktionskapazität innovativ managen
Der flexible Einsatz von Mitarbeitern/-innen in produzierenden Unternehmen adressiert ein Thema von hoher wirtschaftlicher Bedeutung und Aktualität. Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten werden im Hinblick auf Pr …
Christopher Marc Schlick & Michael Schenk: Produktivitätsmanagement von Dienstleistungen
Das Buch richtet sich an Dienstleistungsmanager und -planer und beinhaltet ein Kompendium von Modellen, Methoden und Werkzeugen zur Messung, Bewertung und Steuerung der Produktivität von wissensinten …
Barbara Deml & Patricia Stock: Advances in Ergonomic Design of Systems, Products and Processes
These proceedings summarize the best papers in each research area represented at the 2015 Annual Meeting of the German Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft, held at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology …
Christopher Marc Schlick & Sönke Duckwitz: Advances in Ergonomic Design of Systems, Products and Processes
These proceedings summarize the best papers in each research field represented at the 2016 Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (Gf A) in the German-speaking area, held at Insti …
Manfred Bruhn & Karsten Hadwich: Dienstleistungsproduktivität
Produktivität stellt eine der zentralen Herausforderungen des Dienstleistungsmanagements dar. Dabei gilt es, nicht nur bewährte Konzepte und Methoden aus dem Sachgüterbereich an die spezifischen Gege …
Michael Schenk & Christopher Marc Schlick: Industrielle Dienstleistungen und Internationalisierung
Teil I Grundlagen Einleitung 3 Einleitung Daniel Reh/Jörg von Garrel 1. Problemstellung 2. Zielsetzung 3. Aufbau M. Schenk, C. M. Schlick (Hrsg.), Industrielle Dienstleistungen und Internationalisier …