автор: Chuck Nelson

The author grew up on a cattle ranch in Northern California and is retired from a 34-year career in law enforcement. He has authored a book tittled, Life at The End of a Dirt Road»» giving an often-humorous account of growing up on a cattle ranch. The author has a long-standing interest in photography which you are invited to enjoy at: www.chucknelsonphotography.com.

3 Электронные книги Chuck Nelson

Joel Edward Fleiss: A World Without Fear
9/11. The events of the day ripped away any sense of security, replacing it with fear and rage. Take thirteen-year-old Bret Johnson; his parents snatched away, his life forever changed. Bret vowed to …
Chuck Nelson: Why I Am a Creationist
The subject of origins is one of humanity’s universal questions. The who, what, how, when, where and why issues surrounding origins are both intriguing and controversial. While cultural authorities i …
Chuck Nelson: Wearing the Blue
What is it like to be a police officer? Have you ever looked at a police officer and wondered, ‘Who is that person in that uniform?’ Who goes into law enforcement and why? What is it like behind the …