Claire Leader is Assistant Professor and Director of Inter-professional Education in the Department of Nursing, Midwifery and Health, Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK. Claire is also an editorial board member of British Journal of Midwifery, and 25 years» experience in Midwifery and Nursing in clinical practice, research and education.
Ian Peate is Visiting Professor of Nursing at St George»s University of London and Kingston University London; Visiting Professor, Northumbria University; Senior Clinical Fellow, University of Hertfordshire; Professorial Fellow, University of Roehampton; Editor-in-Chief of the British Journal of Nursing, Consultant Editor of the Journal of Paramedic Practice, and Consultant Editor of the International Journal of Advancing Practice.
4 Электронные книги Claire Leader
Claire Leader & Ian Peate: Fundamentals of Maternal Pathophysiology
Fundamentals of Maternal Pathophysiology An introduction to pathophysiology specifically tailored to the needs of midwives Professional standards of proficiency require that midwives develop a robust …
Ian Peate & Claire Leader: Fundamentals of Maternal Anatomy and Physiology
Fundamentals of Maternal Anatomy and Physiology An introduction to anatomy and physiology specifically tailored to the needs of midwives Existing resources often fall short in addressing the unique n …
Claire Leader & Ian Peate: Fundamentals of Maternal Pathophysiology
Fundamentals of Maternal Pathophysiology An introduction to pathophysiology specifically tailored to the needs of midwives Professional standards of proficiency require that midwives develop a robust …
Ian Peate & Claire Leader: Fundamentals of Maternal Anatomy and Physiology
Fundamentals of Maternal Anatomy and Physiology An introduction to anatomy and physiology specifically tailored to the needs of midwives Existing resources often fall short in addressing the unique n …