автор: Claudia Finkbeiner


5 Электронные книги Claudia Finkbeiner

Claudia Finkbeiner & Agneta (University of Leicester, UK University of Leicester University of Sheffield, United Kingdom) Svalberg: Awareness Matters
This collection argues that being aware of and reflecting on language form and language use is a powerful tool, not only in language learning, but also in wider society. It adopts an interdisciplinar …
Claudia Finkbeiner & Agneta (University of Leicester, UK University of Leicester University of Sheffield, United Kingdom) Svalberg: Awareness Matters
This collection argues that being aware of and reflecting on language form and language use is a powerful tool, not only in language learning, but also in wider society. It adopts an interdisciplinar …
Claudia Finkbeiner & Patricia Ruggiano Schmidt: ABC’s of Cultural Understanding and Communication
This book is a valuable one for teacher educators and teacher education programs in the United States and Europe, since it is organized around numerous data sources. It contains national and …
Claudia Finkbeiner & Althier Lazar: Getting to Know Ourselves and Others Through the ABCs
This book is a valuable resource for teachers and other professionals who are looking for a proven way to increase cultural appreciation and awareness. New applications of the ABCs model of Cultural …
Claudia Finkbeiner: Erzählen und zuhören: Generationentandems
Biografische Ereignisse und Lebensgeschichten stehen im Zentrum dieses Bandes, welche durch Gespräche zwischen Studierenden der Universität Kassel und Seniorinnen und Senioren in Generationentandems …