Ute Schüren ist Ethnologin und Altamerikanistin in Hannover und arbeitet zu Mexiko und Zentralamerika. Daniel Marc Segesser ist Privatdozent für Neueste Geschichte am Historischen Institut der Universität Bern. Thomas Späth ist Professor für Antike Kulturen und Antikekonstruktionen am Center for Global Studies der Universität Bern.
4 Электронные книги Clemens Six
Clemens Six: Secularism, Decolonisation, and the Cold War in South and Southeast Asia
The intensifying conflicts between religious communities in contemporary South and Southeast Asia signify the importance of gaining a clearer understanding of how societies have historically organise …
Clemens Six: Secularism, Decolonisation, and the Cold War in South and Southeast Asia
The intensifying conflicts between religious communities in contemporary South and Southeast Asia signify the importance of gaining a clearer understanding of how societies have historically organise …
Christian Gerlach & Clemens Six: The Palgrave Handbook of Anti-Communist Persecutions
This handbook explores anti-communism as an overarching phenomenon of twentieth-century global history, showing how anti-communist policies and practices transformed societies around the world. It ad …
Manuel Baumbach & Wolfgang Gabbert: Globalized Antiquity
Inspired by post-colonial critics of the dominant Western canons in the fields of historiography, philology, cultural anthropology, and archaeology, this book explores the meanings and uses of “antiq …