‘The authors in the volume extend the reach of their comprehensive reviews into theoretically driven and innovating explorations. The scope of coverage across and within chapters is striking. The developmentalist, the methodologist, the feminist, the contextualist, and the cross culturalist alike will find satisfaction in reading the chapters.’
-Catherine A. Surra, The University of Texas at Austin
The science of close relationships is relatively new and complex. Close Relationships: A Sourcebook represents the growing maturity of this multidisciplinary enterprise. The volume offers 26 chapters organized into four thematic areas: relationship methods, forms, processes, and threats, as well as a foreword and an epilogue. The volume provides a panoramic view of close relationship research as it enters the 21st century, offering highlights from current literature, original research, practical applications, and projections for future research. Relationship Methods includes both qualitative and quantitative chapters. Relationship Forms includes many of the stages, types, and roles that characterize intimate relationships. In a developmental fashion, chapters address social networks, children′s friendships, adolescent relationships, adult friendships, and friendships in later life. Chapters on multicultural and multiracial relationships and gay, lesbian, and bisexual relationships illustrate the variety of relationship forms that the science of close relationships must consider. The alignments and realignments of traditional family structure are considered in terms of contemporary marriage, divorce and single parenting, and remarried families. Relationship Processes includes chapters on emotion, attachment, romantic love, sexuality, intimacy, communication, conflict, social support, and relational maintenance. The important topic of gender concludes the section. The shadow side of human nature is explored in the Relationship Threats section, with chapters on infidelity and jealousy, physical and sexual aggression, depression, and loss and bereavement. A foreword by Ellen Berscheid sets the stage for this broad-ranging collection of chapters. Steve Duck and Linda Acitelli conclude with an epilogue that provides a new beginning for the science of close relationships.
Back to the Future and Forward to the Past
PART ONE: RELATIONSHIP METHODS — Deborah A Kashy and Maurice J Levesque
Quantitative Methods in Close Relationships — Katherine R Allen and Alexis J Walker
Qualitative Research
PART TWO: RELATIONSHIP FORMS — Robert M Milardo and Heather Helms-Erikson
Network Overlap and Third-Party Influence in Close Relationships — Amanda J Rose and Steven R Asher
Children′s Friendships — W Andrew Collins and Brett Laursen
Adolescent Relationships
The Art of Fugue — Beverley Fehr
The Life-Cycle of Friendship — Rosemary Blieszner
Close Relationships in Old Age — Stanley O Gaines Jr and James H Liu
Multicultural//Multiracial Relationships — Leticia Anne Peplau and Leah R Spalding
The Close Relationships of Lesbians, Gay Men and Bisexuals — Janice M Steil
Contemporary Marriage
Still Unequal Partnership — Mark A Fine
Divorce and Single Parenting — Lawrence H Ganong and Marilyn Coleman
Remarried Families
PART THREE: RELATIONSHIP PROCESSES — Laura K Guerrero and Peter A Andersen
Emotion in Close Relationships — Judith A Feeney, Patricia Noller and Nigel Roberts
Attachment and Close Relationships — Susan S Hendrick and Clyde Hendrick
Romantic Love — Susan Sprecher and Pamela C Regan
Sexuality in a Relational Context — Karen J Prager
Intimacy in Personal Relationships — Brant R Burleson, Sandra Metts and Michael W Kirch
Communication in Close Relationships — Daniel J Canary and Susan J Messman
Relationship Conflict — Michael R Cunningham and Anita P Barbee
Social Support — Kathryn Dindia
Relational Maintenance — Julia T Wood
Gender and Personal Relationships
PART FOUR: RELATIONSHIP THREATS — Bram P Buunk and Pieternel Dijkstra
Extradyadic Relationships and Jealousy — F Scott Christopher and Sally A Lloyd
Physical and Sexual Aggression in Relationships — Steven R H Beach and Heather A O′Mahen-Gray
Depression in Close Relationships — John H Harvey and Andrea M Hansen
Loss and Bereavement in Close Romantic Relationships