What if Christianity is simple? When Jesus gave his first public address, he said, I have come to fulfill the law and the prophets and to set the captives free. When a contract is fulfilled, it is completed and is no longer in effect. Religion is a form of bondage that enslaves its adherents to a set of rules that constitute sin. It portrays the image of a God who acts as a judge. In one hand he has a legal pad and pen and in the other a club. When sufficient sins have been committed, the club is used on the sinner. Jesus died on the cross to fulfill the need for justice and came to earth to show that God is not the ogre with a club but a loving father with outstretched arms wanting to hug his children
He sent to us the Holy Spirit so we might have the heart and mind of Christ and be empowered to live a life free from the bondage of sin and religion. This book shows the reader how to do that and points out the stumbling blocks that may interfere. It enables the reader to see the simplicity of Christianity and understand why it should surpass religion in our lives.
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The author received his BS degree from Western Kentucky University in 1967 and his doctorate from Auburn University in 1971. He had to know for himself if God existed and if the Bible was pertinent. He sought Jesus, found him, fought with him, ran from him, and crawled back to him. The day he discovered that Jesus loved him unconditionally changed his life forever. He climbed the mountain, saw the burning bush, and found the Lord for himself. He knows God is real, Jesus is Lord, and the work of the Holy Spirit is the same today as it was yesterday and as it will be tomorrow.