автор: Committee on a. Prioritized Plan to Implement a. Developmental Approach in Juvenile Justice Reform


2 Электронные книги Committee on a. Prioritized Plan to Implement a. Developmental Approach in Juvenile Justice Reform

Committee on Law and Justice & Committee on a Prioritized Plan to Implement a Developmental Approach in Juvenile Justice Reform: Implementing Juvenile Justice Reform
In the past decade, a number of state, local, and tribal jurisdictions have begun to take significant steps to overhaul their juvenile justice systems — for example, reducing the use of juvenile dete …
Committee on Law and Justice & Committee on a Prioritized Plan to Implement a Developmental Approach in Juvenile Justice Reform: Implementing Juvenile Justice Reform
In the past decade, a number of state, local, and tribal jurisdictions have begun to take significant steps to overhaul their juvenile justice systems — for example, reducing the use of juvenile dete …