Traces the use of powerful gnostic visionary techniques from Hellenistic Gnosticism and Jewish merkabah mysticism, through Muhammad, the Ismaeilis, and theosophical Sufism to medieval neoplatonism, and renaissance alchemy.
Gnosis traces the use of powerful gnostic visionary techniques from Hellenistic Gnosticism and Jewish merkabah mysticism, through Muhammad, the Ismaeilis, and theosophical Sufism to medieval neoplatonism, and renaissance alchemy.
Part One: Jung, Active Imagination, and the Gnostic-Alchemical Hypothesis
1. The Study of Mystical Experiences
2. Jung, Silberer, and Active Imagination
3. Theories of Spiritual Alchemy
4. The Alchemical Production of Gold
Part Two: A History of Gnosis
5. Defining Gnosis
6. The Gnostic Journey to the Ogdoad
7. The Recital of the Chariot
8. Muhammad and his Mi’raj
9. Islamic Gnosis and the World of Imagination
10. The Passage of Gnosis to the Latin West
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Dan Merkur is a psychoanalyst in private practice and a research reader in the study of religion at the University of Toronto. He is the author of many books, including Unconscious Wisdom: A Superego Function in Dreams, Conscience, and Inspiration, also published by SUNY Press.