3 Электронные книги Daniel Federman
Committee on the Ethical and Legal Issues Relating to the Inclusion of Women in Clinical Studies & Division of Health Sciences Policy: Women and Health Research
There is a growing perception that biomedical research has focused more on the health problems of men relative to those of women and that women have been denied access to advances in medical diagnosi …
Committee on Ethical and Legal Issues Relating to the Inclusion of Women in Clinical Studies & Institute of Medicine: Women and Health Research
In the nineteenth century some scientists argued that women should not be educated because thinking would use energy needed by the uterus for reproduction. The proof? Educated women had a lower birth …
Committee on the Ethical and Legal Issues Relating to the Inclusion of Women in Clinical Studies & Division of Health Sciences Policy: Women and Health Research
There is a growing perception that biomedical research has focused more on the health problems of men relative to those of women and that women have been denied access to advances in medical diagnosi …