You have now sailed thousands of miles with us aboard the good ship Osprey. That 41 foot sloop has carried us half way across the mighty South Pacific Ocean; where we have been met by severe storms with giant seas of fifty feet, to peaceful waters where we have anchored in magnificent lagoons with tropic islands of rare isolation where seldom others have gazed. It has been a magnificent voyage thus far, filled with marvel.
Book one has enjoyed bringing these adventures to you, and BOOK TWO impatiently awaits!
Sail on, fellow sailor! Sail on!
Dedication; Acknowledgements; Introduction; Chapter 1: Westward Bound Again; Chapter 2: Dining Out; Chapter 3: Or Not; Chapter 4: The Solomon Islands; Chapter 5: Toward Australia; Chapter 6: Down Under; Chapter 7: Lucy and New Guinea; Chapter 8: Peggy is Back!!; Chapter 9: New Guinea; Chapter 10: The Highlands; Chapter 11: And Then…; Chapter 12: Australia, The Third Time; Chapter 13: New Guinea Again; Chapter 14: A New Beginning; Appendix A: A Detailed Look at the Boat Handling Arrangement; Appendix B: Peggy’s Log III: The Gove; Appendix C: In His Own Words